Site Development | Paving Construction

Ryangolf Corporation can handle all paving construction needs. The company has extensive experience in concrete curb construction, concrete flat work, stabilized subgrade, baserock installation and asphalt paving. The paving crews understand this is the last step of the construction phase, and is the most visible portion of the work, therefore the paving process is carefully handled with the utmost attention to detail.
Once the underground utilities are installed, the proposed roadway construction begins. This process starts with balancing the roadways, then the roadways are graded to subgrade elevations and mixed with a stabilizer if required and thoroughly compacted. The road bed is tested by the project geotechnical engineer to ensure the blended product complies with the contract’s specifications.
Next, curb is installed by a slip form machine and finished by hand. The base course is created by placing base material used from crushed aggregate previously excavated on-site or purchased and hauled in from off-site quarries. This base material can range from shell, soil cement, crushed concrete or crushed limestone, depending on geographical location of the site and the economics set in the budget. The material is placed, graded and compacted to grade, then tested for proper compaction and moisture level.
Once approved, the base is covered with a bituminous prime in anticipation of the asphalt installation. Thereafter, the roadway is paved using a paving machine and rolled to guarantee proper compaction. Upon proper asphalt curing, project striping and signage can be initiated. Throughout these important steps in Ryangolf’s proven construction process, a final product is proudly delivered, and the site is ready for turnover to the Owner.