Site Development | Process

01 | Erosion Control - Silt Fence
Silt fence is the most commonly installed method of erosion control and is constructed of 3’ tall woven construction fabric attached to posts. Once properly installed, the fence will hold back sediment from leaving the area of containment, but will allow water to pass through silt fence fabric. Click here to learn more
02 | Erosion Control - Turbidity Barrier
Floating turbidity barrier can be used in areas that have more than 2’ of water present constantly during the construction activities. It floats on top of the water with a section that hangs into the water by way of a chain and anchoring. This hanging section forces most of the suspended sediment present in the water to stay within the designated work area. Click here to learn more
03 | Clearing - Burning
Burning of vegetation can be accomplished by either open burning or incinerator burning. Open burning consists of making multiple piles of vegetation and then burning those piles in place. The use of a metal framed forced air incinerator is used to spread the burning process and is a much cleaner and environmentally conscious method as it generates much higher temperatures for a “clean” burn. Click here to learn more
04 | Clearing - Chipping
Large mechanical chipping/gridding machines are utilized to reduce the cleared vegetation into environmentally resourceful products. This can include converting the materials into landscape mulch, dimensional lumber, paper production and/or electrical power generation. Click here to learn more
05 | Earthwork - Lake Excavation
Mass excavation is the most fundamental operation of any construction project. This work can be accomplished with many types of machines that best match the project conditions, from large backhoe and trucks, to scrapers and bulldozers. Click to learn more
06 | Earthwork - Draglines
Draglines are used for wet and very deep excavation that cannot be achieved by conventional excavation methods. Dragline work almost always consists of casting to a stockpile for re-hauling the dry material. Click here to learn more
07 | Rock Handling - Rock Trenching and Hammering
Rock trenching and hammering is often utilized when blasting is not permitted. Rock trenching with large mechanical trenching machines; utilize rock teeth as a means to cut through rock. Hydraulic hammers are another method used for the excavation of solid rock. Each method reduces the rock to manageable sizes. Click here to learn more
08 | Rock Handling - Rock Blasting
Rock blasting, although becoming very limited in its use by local codes and permitting, is the most efficient way of reducing solid rock into a usable material for fills and for adding in the excavation process when solid rock is encountered. Click here to learn more
09 | Rock Handling - Rock Crushing
Once the solid rock has been reduced to a transportable size, rock crushing equipment will further reduce the large boulders into usable materials for bulk fills, road base or even used in the production of concrete and asphalt. Click here to learn more
10 | Utility Construction - Storm Drainage
Storm drainage is installed to convey storm water run-off through the development with the use of pipes, catch basins, and control structures. In addition this could include retention areas, weirs and dams that control the volume of water after large rain events. Click here to learn more
11 | Utility Construction - Water Main Installation
Water mains supply chlorinated potable water from the local city water treatment facilities throughout the site development project. Click here to learn more
12 | Utility Construction - Sanitary Sewer
The heart of all development projects is an engineered process of the removal of waste from the site utilizing a network of sanitary sewer pipes and lift stations. This waste is then piped to the local waste treatment facilities through a force main piping system. Click here to learn more
13 | Paving Construction - Base Rock Installation
Base rock installation includes the undercutting, compacting and fine grading of the roadway subgrade. Once the subgrade has been inspected and approved, road base is installed in several layers of specified aggregate material and rolled to finish grade prior to asphalt installation. Click here to learn more
14 | Paving Construction - Curb Installation
Curb installation is typically the first step of paving construction. A curb pad is prepared and compacted, then concrete curbing is extruded to the line and grade reflected in the plans and specifications. Click here to learn more
15 | Paving Construction - Asphalt Installation
Asphalt is the final layer of surface to be applied to a roadway in shallow lifts. It is a mixture of specified rock gradations and bitumens. This asphalt surface is very durable and dependable. In many roadway specifications concrete may also be used. Click here to learn more
16 | Paving Construction - Paver Block Installation
Paver block construction is a very decorative method of roadway construction. In general, this accented look is used to enhance the entrance to a development, sidewalks and traffic circles and driveways to homes and businesses. Click here to learn more